
How to use your power to get what you want!

There are only 2 things you need to do when you want something.

  1. Point your intention or focus to where you want to go.
  2. And Follow what feels good.

But there are some questions you need to ask that will speed up this process of manifestation.

  1. What do I want; what feelings do I want – you can get as specific as you want, or just give the short version
  2. What does it look like, feel like or sound like – imagine it, and put good energy into it right from the start. By doing this it focuses you on the point of intention. Like a laser beam.
  3. Do what feels good – what feels good next, and next, and next – it will also be things that seem completely unrelated to whatever you are wanting to manifest.  For example you want to manifest $100 this week and you get an inspiration to go hang out with friends right now, or go to the beach, or walk the dog, or go to a movie, or read a book…Do it!  Its a bit like following the breadcrumbs – you never know how the Universe is going to bring about what you have intended.

Word of caution:

Manifestation is actually pretty effortless. But it needs a point of focus or you will just manifest whatever your attention is mainly on. We are all manifesting anyway – every single experience we have is manifested and brought about by us, so you might as well make it what you want rather than focusing on what you don’t want with all that worry and fear.

Do What feels good:

Manifestation is about focusing, being aligned (which is essentially feeling good about something) When you are aligned with what you want you let the good stuff in to make it happen.

Manifestation is about what shows up in your heart and your gut once you have set your intention and focus. This is inspired action. You might feel inspired to do something, or ring someone you haven’t talked to in a while and you have no idea why you feel like ringing them now. Just hear the inspiration, trust it and follow it.

Imagine you want to get more clients in your business, or you want more friends, or you want to attract a really great mentor.

You are now going to align with the intention, tune in with it and do what feels good.

Close your eyes, lean back and conjure up the feeling of getting a new client or a new friend.

Then let it go and do what feels good.

It might be putting up on your calendar pretend appointments; or lying down and imaging what it would be to have a client come to you wanting something specific that you know you can give them, and feeling so excited that you have the skills to help. You see that client going away feel ecstatic and talking about your great work. Or you feel like going to the beach, or talking a long walk, or meeting up with an old friend.

Do what feels good!

This inspired action always leads to whatever you have intended to transpire.

It’s the law of attraction and it always works.

Great example:

Here’s an example of what happened to me last week…

Recently I have been thinking a lot about how to teach the law of vibration in a way that others could really understand easily. I was reading a lot of stuff, getting my thoughts together and coming up with ideas. I felt really excited about it, and I really wanted to attract someone who needed to hear about how vibration and frequency and how it works in every day life.

I woke up one morning and instead of doing my usual writing that I often do at that time, I felt inspired and really wanted to go for a walk with my dog. On the way to the woods where I live, I walk past a really lovely coffee shop. As I was walking past I looked up to see a couple of friends who were urgently waving me in. As I walked in they were engaged in a conversation about a couple of people that were really getting under their skin.

Rather than spend some time discussing the issue, I could feel my energy immediately rise for some reason and I started to completely rise above what they were saying and words just came out about how we attract what we put out there.

They asked some great questions and I just found myself answering them.

They completely got it!

Wow I had just worked out how to teach the law of vibration in a really simple and profound way!

After that brief conversation one of the women decided to see if she could turn the relationships around with these 2 people by working on herself first which included raising her vibration. She ended up having a really successful week.  She managed to repair one of the relationships so that they could continue to work together and she has completed changed her attitude about the other person that was getting under her skin.

You have the power!:

10You have more power than you could possibly imagine and with focus and intention, then letting it go, miracles happen.  The Universe will bring you want you need.  Just let it and get out of your own way 🙂

So use those 3 questions for what you want to manifest in your life and watch the magic show!

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