
Banishing those negative thoughts forever!

One of the most difficult challenges with the Law of Attraction is getting the negative thoughts out of the way. Ever noticed how many times you say negative statements to yourself in a day? You know its wrong, but you just cant get these out of your head?

The thing with the Law of Attraction is what you think brings about your reality.   In other words you are simply attracting what you think about. So you have to get on top of this one way or the other.

Here’s a simple but powerful method that cuts through that negativity – its easy to use and only takes about 2 minutes a day.

Its such a simple simple statement, that when repeated every day will change your life, by changing your vibration, so that you are attracting ‘better and better’ into your life.

That simple powerful statement is:

Everyday in every way I’m getting better and better.

This statement tells the universe that there are 3 major things happening in your life right now:

  1. There are improvements happening in your life right now, this minute
  2. These improvements will continue into your future
  3. These positive changes will take place in every area of your life.

And that’s it. No more complicated than that.

If you can give yourself a couple of minutes a day to say this (for example, when you are going for a walk, before you go to bed, when you are doing the housework) you will be amazed at how you begin to feel and how, indeed, everything seems to be improving.

Just remember to say it with conviction and feeling (if you find you cant when you start, don’t worry, the power of this is that after a while you find you are saying it with conviction anyway).

As the days go on you will find that life just seems to be flowing and what you are wanting and desiring feels closer, it feels exciting.  And this means you are raising your vibration. This powerful mantra changes your vibration somehow and you start to really feel that your life is getting better and better in every way. And as you start to change, life starts to change and improve.

Try it out – I was amazed when I started using this – I just couldn’t help feeling better, my life felt easier, and I started to notice I wasn’t struggling as much. I wasn’t so fearful all the time, and my sleep improved. I felt I wasn’t walking through mud all the time, things just felt easier.

Don’t believe me? How about trying it for the next 2 weeks and let me know what happens!

Let me know what happens!